Centre for legal and economic studies

Head of the Center: Prof Franjo Štiblar, PhD
Poljanski nasip 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
e-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 00-386-4203139
Web: www.ipp-pf.si/cles
The Center focuses on legal and economic scientific studies, while keeping a wholesome (holistic, heterodox, all inclusive) approach to social and other sciences. CLES promotes studies about the environment and climate change, social areas (sports, culture), economics (banking and wider financial sector), all the while supporting high ethical and moral criteria.The Center deals with the issues of sustainability in different fields by using empirical legal and quantitative economic methods.
Its main goal is to contribute to the advancement of people and society. To achieve that, both basic and applied studies are present in the work of the Center.
- Dr. Franjo Štiblar, professor, PhD econ University of Pennsylvania (L.R.Klein, R. Shiller), B.A Law and economics, Head
- Dr. Jože Mencinger, professor, academic, PhD econ University of Pennsylvania, B.A law
- Dr Katarina Zajc, professor, PhD econ University George Washington, LLM Yale University;
- Dr. Jan Žižek, PhD econ, University of Houston, Texas
- Dr. Robert Volčjak, PhD econ University of Ljubljana
- Dr. Žan Oplotnik, professor, PhD econ University of Ljubljana
- Lana Gotvan, secretary, researcher, editor, law
- Daša Tičar, researcher, editor, law
- As. Mag Ana Oblak, researcher, econ
- Katarina Černivec, researcher, law
- Primož Marinič, researcher, law
- Maksimilijan Gale, researcher, law
The Center was established at the beginning of 2018 as a separate unit of the Institute for comparative law, which is a legal entity within the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana.The Center's activities include:
Research projects: current fields
- Econs versus Humans, 2019
- Personal values of law students
- Infrastructure
- Global macroeconomics
- Banking legislation
- Ecological economy and law
- Social economy and law
Book publications, since 2018
- Good banking, May 2018 (Kako do dobre banke, GV, Ljubljana, May 2018)
- Slovenian infrastructure projects for the future, April 2019
Productions, since 2018
- A Documentary Film series: Better Slovenia, (Where did we come from, Where are we, and Where are we going, 3 episodes; 65 minutes each, (English subtitles))
- HETERODOX, on Slovenian Economy and Society, Documentary film, presented at the 22. Festival of Slovenian Film, Portorož, 19.9.2019
Conferences, since 2018
- What is the future for small commercial banks in the EU, with EBI, Ljubljana , October 2018
- Slovenian infrastructure projects, Ljubljana , April 9, 2019
Organization of study excursions, since 2018
- USA, legal structure and political structure, New York, Washington DC, March 2018, 2019
- Geneva, International institutions, December 2019
- Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, Spring 2020
EBI Conference 2018: What is the future for small commercial banks in Europe?
Conference of the European Banking Institute (Frankfurt), "What is the future for small commercial banks in Europe?" as held on Friday, 19 October 2018 at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. The conference was organised by our Institute's Centre for Legal and Economic Studies led by Prof. Franjo Štiblar.