Other Symposia and Conferences
• Conference: Labour Law and Social Security, Institute for Comparative Law in co-operation with Institute of Labour and Faculty of Law: december 2002
International conference “Slovenian Law and Economy upon the Accession of Slovenia to the EU”, organised by the Institute for Comparative Law in cooperation with the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and the Delegation of the European Commission in Slovenia. 21 -23 April 2004 in Bernardin.
The conference, which took place on the eve of Slovenia’s accession to the EU, brought together esteemed Slovenian and European legal scientists, politicians, businessmen and other experts, who discussed the changed position in which Slovenia would find itself and presented their views of the new era. The adoption of a new legal order that became directly applicable in Slovenia, presents a tectonic shift, which is not relevant only for lawyers, but has significant direct implications for Slovenian economy as well. Therefore, the programme of the conference was interdisciplinary, comprising of a combination of legal and economic themes, including issues of legal and economic policy, and executed in a manner that enabled all participants to engage actively in various substantive frameworks and to obtain new knowledge and information also through informal communication. The following issues were debated at the conference: The macroeconomic questions of Slovenian economy upon EU accession; Accession to the EU – a threat or a challenge for Slovenian companies?; European law and Slovenian judiciary; The financial sector upon EU accession; The relation between Slovenia and the EU – what are we giving and what may we gain?; Slovenian constitutional law and the EU; The influence of the accession to the EU to the public administration and public sector; Employment, labour and social protection after the EU accession; Commercial law – are we fully harmonised yet? Papers presented at the conference were published in the book International Conference Slovene Law and the Economy upon EU Accession.
• II. International Symposium: Corporate governance issues in medical profesion
Institute for Comparative Law, co-organized by Institute for Public Administration and Institute for International Law and International Relations, May 2001