Overview of consultancy activities
The institute offers legal consulting services for clients from private and public sector, which includes the preparation of analyses of the most complex legal issues and expert legal opinions concerning actual legal questions as well as the assistance in the preparation of various legal documents, regulations or contracts and giving advice on the regulation of other legal relations. Consultancy activities are mainly carried out in the fields of law covered by the institute’s researchers, i.e. civil, commercial, competition, labour, constitutional and administrative law. When other aspects of a case need to be examined, we also collaborate with external experts dealing with other specialised branches of law and experts of other professions.
As the prime authority in the fields of civil and commercial law in Slovenia, the institute can offer full scope tailor-made legal solutions to domestic and foreign clients, consisting of preliminary researches into legal environment, guidance on strategic legal planning and future direction of key business activities. Our experts provide valuable insight to clients in view of understanding the impact of the ever-changing regulatory framework. As the cooperation and inter-depending actions of regulatory agencies are becoming more frequent throughout the sectors of economy, we have also specialised in forming an integrated approach to dealing with these regulators.